Database of Water

AquaStar was designed to be sold to a high-end market to fund a lower-cost application in the developing world. The more expensive AquaStar Plus! is used in the harshest environments by travelers, military personnel, and …

Proposals for the reduction of hydraulic use in irrigation of trees and bushes
Author: Francesco Ferrini, Florence University, Department of Market Gardening
The regulations for irrigating Green public areas must be modified to reduce the …

Author: Alberto Meda & Francisco Gomez Paz
Short description of the design: Bottle disinfects dirty water to prevent diseases
How did this design improve life and for whom?: Bottle can …

1-) Introduction : problématique
En Tunisie aride, il existe trois types d’oasis :
les oasis littorales où maritimes situées le long de la côte de la méditerranée : oasis de Gabès, oasis de Kettana, oasis …