Friday, October 18, 2024

the project


Specific Measures in Support of International Co-operation Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC)

Title: Coordination of actions granted by UE and other international organisms to rationalise use of natural resources in arid and semiarid areas

Acronym : Resourcenet

Duration : 18 months

Contract number: INCO-CT-2005-515940


The project is coordinated by IPOGEA. Scientific Coordination is under direction of Pietro Laureano (IPOGEA, Italia) The partnership include:
IPOGEA, Italia; NAGREF-National Agricultural Research Foundation, Grecia; Sarl Societe Sud Timmi, Adrar, Algeria; Université Moulay Ismail De Meknes, Marocco; Institut des Regiones Arides, Medenine, Tunisia; Monastery Saint James the Mutilated – Le Maison d’ Aantioche Institute, Siria


 The general objective of the proposal is carrying out a coordination action among the most relevant ongoing projects concerning the rational use of natural resources in arid and semiarid Mediterranean area by traditional knowledge and techniques .

The proposed action will contribute to the development of common and integrated approaches necessary to implement rational use of natural resources and promote sustainable developmentin the arid and semiarid Mediterranean area.

It will provide a valid tool for these projects who are already involved in the field of the fight against desertification with particular reference to :
  • – Comparing efficiency (in terms of productivity and environmental sustainability) between current techniques and traditional techniques selected in the studies; 
  • – Evaluating the possibility to use selected traditional practices for sustainable natural resources management and/or the rehabilitation of areas undergoing desertification.        
As a matter of fact, several EU projects often highlight the great potential of traditional practices to manage natural resources and the lack of repertorization of related knowledge.
The proposed coordination action will aim at raising awareness and at revalorising the role of traditional techniques in management of water resources and strategies of sustainable land management.
With reference to the EC policies, the proposed action is innovative, because, by fostering international cooperation:
  • – it helps to valorise world heritage and cultural identity with positive effects on local communities, it develops new creative solutions to problems of managing natural resources and fighting against desertification;
  • – it has a positive and tangible impact on living conditions, on the quality of life or on the environment of individuals, groups or communities involved; it has a sustainable effect; 
  • – it contributes to the decrease of poverty or of social marginalisation, especially by involving participants; it disseminate alternative methods to use and manage natural resources; furthermore, it support the decision making process of local authorities;
  • – it can be repeated;
  • – it can be used as a pattern to design policies and initiatives elsewhere.
In conclusion project helps European policies improve both within the framework of natural resources in European Union countries and within the framework of fostering sustainable development in Mediterranean area.

Local MPC communities, social groups, community solidarity entities related to rational use and management of natural resources will be involved in re-use of the researched techniques. 

This is an innovative approach that promotes an economic return and brings added value that will justify the efforts in re-using and revitalizing these ancient natural resource management technologies.  



  1. Strengthening collaboration and exchange of information among the project granted by Eu concerning the appropriate use of water resources and soil preservation; 
  2. Creating a data bank of   the ongoing actions concerning the appropriate and rational use of natural resources by traditional techniques to combat desertification and soil degradation; 
  3. Promoting innovative actions based on the use of best practices focusing both their functional aspect and their cultural and monumental value; 
  4. reinforcing the local networks on these issue; 
  5. strengthening collaboration among European –Mediterranean projects; 
  6. coordinating the ongoing actions granted by UE with those promoted by international organisms