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European Commission “Research connection 2009” Forum 2: “ITKnet Innovative and Traditional Knowledge network for the proper use of natural resources” Prague, 7-8 May 2009 at 12.00 noon Congress Centre, 5. kvetna 65, 140 21 Prague 4

Maggio 4th, 2009 by admin

We cannot resolve the global crisis by applying the methods that caused it.

A new paradigm is required based on cultural heritage and local knowledge.

Traditional knowledge is the ancient heritage of humankind and concerns techniques, practices, spiritual notions, which passed on from generation to generation, enabling man to adapt to periodical changes and thus insuring an appropriate management of the ecosystems.

Traditional knowledge and its innovative use represent the base for a sustainable technology, indispensable for elaborating a new model for the human progress.

For the purpose of strengthening an International network on traditional knowledge, for its diffusion to recent EU member states, and for the creation of an interactive databank, the following speakers will intervene:

Pietro Laureano- IPOGEA, Research Center on local and traditional knowledge, Italy

Sabina Asins- Cento de Investigaciones Sobre desertificacion (CSIC), Spain

Corinne Walker- University of Applied Sciences, North-western Switzerland, Master Program in Environmental Technology and Management and researcher at the University of Berne

Franco La Cecla  – Architecture Social Impact Assessment (ASIA), UK

Jerzi Weber- Wroclaw University of Environmental and life Science (Institute of Soil Science and Environmental protection), Poland

Brunello Ceccanti- National Research Council (CNR), Italy


 “ITKnet Innovative and Traditional Knowledge network for the proper use of natural resources”

In the context of the EC “Research connection 2009”, the forum “ITKnet Innovative and Traditional Knowledge network for the proper use of natural resources” aims at sharing the results of the European project Resourcenet, at strengthening and improving the existing network involving the new European member states, selecting pilot projects, creating a databank on traditional knowledge.


 The European project Resourcenet  (


The European project Resourcenet contributed to the realization of a coordinative action between the most relevant ongoing projects concerning the rational use of natural resources in the arid and semiarid Mediterranean area by using traditional knowledge and techniques.

In order to join the broad target of contributing to an integrated and coherent policy of land and water resources management in the Mediterranean Region, the project has created a wider partnership, involving local and international organisms, 60 experts and research institutes from 30 countries. The international and local institutions involved were the following: UNESCO, UNCCD, CBD, FAO, the Italian Ministry of Environment – National Committee to Fight Drought and Desertification (CNLSD) and the Regional Government of Tuscany. The countries involved were: Algeria; Egypt, Ethiopia, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Niger, Senegal, Tunisia, India, Japan, Jordan, Oman, Syria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Colombia, USA, Argentina, Cuba, Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, Spain.


The international network of experts and the Centre on Traditional Knowledge


A long length action for improving the rational use of natural resources is obtained through the creation of an experts’ network on Traditional Knowledge (ITKnet; ), the realization of pilot projects and the creation of an International Centre on Traditional Knowledge in the city of Florence.

– The main aims of the Centre on Traditional Knowledge consist of:

– Recognize, study and make an inventory of Traditional Knowledge  

– Share and promote the dissemination of knowledge from local to international level  

– Insure the protection of Traditional Knowledge

– Promote integration between Traditional Knowledge and scientific knowledge  

– Defend the rights of local communities and indigenous populations holding Traditional Knowledge and indigenous science systems  

– Promote the dissemination and the innovative use of Traditional Knowledge  

– Implement the use of traditional practices for the realization of works and a participatory approach in the choice of technological infrastructures  

– Promote protocols that adopt Traditional Knowledge in Parks, protected areas and UNESCO sites   

– Contribute to the protection of traditional cultures and cultural diversity trough conventions and laws


Objective of the Forum

The existing network involves primarily Mediterranean countries, but our aim is to extend the network to other European countries and in particular to the new member states. We would like to propose a networking space with the following objectives:

– Strengthening and increasing the ITKnet network

– Disseminating the results of the European network Resourcenet

– Sharing and disseminating sustainable and innovative techniques based on the use of traditional knowledge

– Opening the existing network to new European member states

– Discussing and implementing the ongoing pilot projects

– Organizing and promoting projects on the new sustainable technologies in the FP7 contest.


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